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( https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsTj0dZv212MihTbQazIeVQ/join )
// S C H E D U L E
All streams start within 5pm-10pm
Mon-Fri | Battle Royale Streams and Customs
Sat-Sun | Battle Royale and STW Streams
// S U B S C R I B E 🔴
I post daily content just for you, use this link to subscribe
( https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsTj0dZv212MihTbQazIeVQ )
// S O C I A L S 🔊
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/undead.official/
Twitch | https://www.twitch.tv/iixove
More coming soon...
// A B O U T 👤
If you love #BattleRoyale and #SavetheWorld content, you've found the channel just for you. I stream daily and love communicating with my viewers. (reading/responding to chat) Tune into my live streams or even leave positive comments and/or helpful tips about how I could better my content to interact with me.
// K E Y W O R D S
#Fortnite, Battle Royale, Save the World, Creative, Playing with Subs, Fortnite Live, Fortnite Item Shop, Best controller settings, Fortnite Montage, Fortnite Customs, Fortnite Arena, Fortnite Battle Pass, Fortnite Fashion Show Live, Hide and Seek Fortnite, Late Game Customs, Funny fortnite moments, renegade raider, pink ghoul trooper, purple skull trooper, recon expert, Ariel assault trooper