Envision File #684: Eddie Chubb Vlog 6

Envision File #684: Eddie Chubb Vlog 6

[LEVEL 5 Clearance Granted]

Warning the footage is corrupted. Attempts to fix it has failed, The Director has responded by releasing the footage to Envision L5 Server.

Original Description:

Hey guys it's me! Ya boi! 'Eddie Chubb' with another vlog! I hope you enjoy today's content!

(IRL Information)

This video is a roleplay in which I am protraying an alternate version of myself who will become the Director of Envision one day. I'm not too sure if this will become a series as it's a roleplay video. I'm actually sorry for the camera footage as it is literally corrupted. But I guess it adds to these types of videos. Hope you enjoy though!


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