President Rodrigo Roa Duterte’s Talk to the People
Heroes Hall, Malacañan Palace
October 4, 2021
President Rodrigo Roa Duterte meets with several Cabinet members anew to discuss the latest developments on government response in addressing the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and other matters of national concern during his first Talk to the People this week.
Significant updates on the country’s vaccination program, wherein almost 22 million Filipinos have been inoculated, the targeted number of people and percentage of the population to be vaccinated by year-end, and the downward trend of COVID-19 positive cases in the National Capital Region (NCR) under the pilot implementation of the Alert Levels System, are among the report presentations of Cabinet Secretaries.
President Duterte reiterates the importance of vaccination in protecting oneself from being infected with COVID-19 apart from observing the minimum public health standards.
He calls on all local government units (LGUs), concerned government agencies and stakeholders to further expand the mass vaccination program as more vaccine supplies have been arriving in the country in order to reach the targeted number for population protection.
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