In this session Sonja Marzi presents how she adapted her research in Colombia during the COVID-19 pandemic by using smartphones for an innovative remote participatory video methodology. The research was a collaboration between women in Medellin, Colombia, and a team of UK and Colombia based film makers and researchers. Doing participatory video online and with digital tools they were able to collaboratively research how women from disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Medellin are affected by the pandemic in their everyday lives and produce a 32 minutes long documentary. Sonja will explain the process of the research and share some of the videos and women’s experiences from their perspectives.
🔸 Reinventada project website: https://reinventada.org/
🔸 Collaborating in a pandemic: empowering migrant women in Colombia to tell their stories https://www.lse.ac.uk/research/research-for-the-world/society/collaborating-in-a-pandemic-how-a-new-methodology-empowered-migrant-women-in-colombia-to-tell-their-stories
This event was part of the LSE Research Showcase summer series. These 30 minute coffee-break sessions are open to the LSE community so that you can find out about some of the fascinating research taking place at LSE.
🔴 You can see details of the full Summer series online: https://info.lse.ac.uk/staff/services/knowledge-exchange-and-impact/lse-research-showcase
🔴 Read more accessible stories about LSE research in our online research magazine, Research for the World: https://www.lse.ac.uk/research/research-for-the-world