15 Times Brave Preys Became Predators

15 Times Brave Preys Became Predators

In the wild, things don’t always go as planned and the same goes for powerful predators when they go on the hunt. Sometimes, a prey will outsmart them, or just plain overpower them. Have you ever seen an otter deal with a Jaguar? How do you think a lion would handle a porcupine? If you want to see the underdog, getaway more often than not, keep watching, as we count down 15 times brave preys became predators.

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Mother Cougar VS Bear

This gigantic bear confronts this cougar and when the bear lowers his head, it looks like he’s at the hair salon waiting for the cougar to give him a hair massage and shampoo and, to be frank,that’s what the cougar looks like he’s doing. The bear is so massive, the cougar probably tickled it, when it struck it with his paw. However, it must have worked because the cougar chases the bear away. This mom was defending her cubs, so it’s normal she was overly aggressive like this. If it had been a lone cougar, it probably would have fled long before the bear got that close. This black bear slaps a cougar cub, but when mom comes to the rescue, the bear backs off. The cougar is vicious and tells the bear he has no right to harass her cubs. The bear isn’t very big, so he doesn’t insist. The mom leaves the bear for a moment to check up on her cubs and when she sees they’re okay, she runs back to the bear, but the bear runs away and climbs a tree and the cougar climbs right behind the bear slapping the bear a few times on the bum

Honey Badger VS Lion

A male lion approaches a honey badger in this video, but the badger gives the lion a piece of its
mind. It informs the lion it is not welcome and should leave. The badger walks away, closely followed by the lion. They appear to be on their way to look for the yellow brick road.Honey Badgers are fearless creatures, and not even a ferocious lion can frighten them. These lions are following a honey badger, and it appears the honey badger's abrasiveness has caught them off guard. They keep following it around, and the badger occasionally hisses at them or tries to bite one of them. It's amazing to see such a small animal face such a powerful predatorAnother honey badger is surrounded by a pride of lions which includes a few younger cubs that are just learning the ropes. A honey badger is the ideal test for these cubs learning the ropes. He’sbrutal, aggressive, and crazy, but he can’t hurt the lions, so they can try whatever they want on him, as long as their parents are nearby, just in case the badger goes ballistic.

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Background Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

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