Check out MamaEarth's Colour Care Kajals:
Mamaearth: https://bit.ly/3CEL415
(Use my code Debina2021 to get a 20% off)
You can also buy them from-
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3AMuWtJ
Flipkart: https://bit.ly/2XVJtFy
but if you purchase from their website, they will link your order to a tree they plant.
Also, get the new Mamaearth App here:
Kolkata bhraman Kalighat,Princep ghat, Victoria memorial. The majhis were not letting me shoot
Concept and Creator - Debina Bonnerjee
© 2021 Debina Decodes #debinadecodes #debinabonnerjee #gurmeetchoudhary
mail me -: debinadecodes@gmail.com
#mamaearth #kajalpencil #waterproofkajal #khol
#kolkata #kolkatadiaries #photography #kolkatablogger #kolkataphotography #kolkatavlog
#westbengal #bengolifood #travel #hometown #princepghat #cityofjoy #howrahbridge
#RomanticPlace #princepghatkolkata #waterride #gangariver #ganga #PrincepGhatrail
#jamesprinsep #victoria #victoriamemorial #kalighattemple
#kalighat #makeup #makeuptutorial #kohlpencil
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