Common racing fears and how to defeat it is design to help runners that are facing running fears. No need in feeling inadequate to others or compare yourself to other runners. It is common to doubt yourself when starting something new. These tips can be applied to all different fears of running.
Fears runners have will help you to defeat those fears and find new running goals to accomplish. We believe in you and know you can do it. You are not alone in this thought process and we are here to help you. YOU ARE A RUNNER.
BE sure to share this video with new runners or returning runners so they will be able to defeat their fears. Running is a great sport.
Please like, comment and subscribe and be on the lookout for new videos every Thursday and Saturday!
Note: Any advice from the Scully Twins is from their personal knowledge and should not be used as medical advice. This workout and advice are done at your own risk and can not hold the Scully Twins liable from any injuries, liabilities, or claims. It is strongly recommend that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program.
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Please check out other videos from the Scully Twins:
Easy WarmUp Before A Workout: https://youtu.be/icXHKY060nQ
Full Body Stretch: https://youtu.be/OtFltM4Q0jI
Tips for Running Your First Race: https://youtu.be/dlyQhx1ULZk
How To Run Longer Without Running Out of Breathe: https://youtu.be/fYCpRwvmBeU
What Running Does To Your Body: https://youtu.be/ENtKzNuIRrg