Task force projections predict decline in hospitalizations over next few weeks

Task force projections predict decline in hospitalizations over next few weeks

ST. LOUIS - Projections from the St. Louis Metropolitan Pandemic Task Force are predicting a decrease in hospitalizations over the next few weeks for the first time in months.

"The models predict that we will be on a downward trend for the near future," Dr. Clay Dunagan said Tuesday afternoon.

The projection is a continuation of the downward trend that has been ongoing for a few weeks. The seven-day average for hospitalizations was 447 on Tuesday, the lowest since Aug. 5. The seven-day average for new admissions on Monday was 63, the lowest since Aug. 30. It increased slightly on Tuesday to 65.

The number of cases in the region has remained consistent, Dr. Dunagan said, with a slight increase in recent days. He said that increase reflected increasing cases in younger age groups. He said it may also be due to additional in testing in those age groups.

"Some of that actually might be so-called surveillance bias, which means we might be detecting a few more cases because of all the attention that's being paid to schools and transmission in schools," he said. "But I think it's safe to say we are not seeing a decrease in rates right now in our region."

READ FULL STORY: https://www.ksdk.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/task-force-briefing-hospitalizations-decline/63-655d425d-f7c2-475d-ba2c-b2ea752c78a5


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