How to get out of a rut fast

How to get out of a rut fast

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The couch is escapable. I promise. I felt like, especially this past year, I have fallen into a rut more and more often. I found ways to fight the rut. Ways to get out of a rut fast. Hopefully, these strategies help you feel better faster!

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Here are some of my other videos:
Why I'm able to study 70+ hours a week and not burn out (how to stay efficient):
How I Take 0 Notes in Medical School:
How to Study More in Less Time - 3 Mistakes Most Students Make:
How I Study For Exams in Medical School | 9 Day Plan:
I tried Running for 30 Days and My Life Will Never Be The Same:

Time Stamps:
0:00 Intro
0:16 Gymshark
1:40 Identify the rut
4:32 Get out of the rut
9:23 Stay out of the rut
12:42 Summary
Who am I:

My name is Zach. I’m a third-year medical student in Philadelphia. I make videos about medical school, entrepreneurship, and other cool things. I love trying new things and often mess up. However, every time I screw up I usually learn something. Whatever I learn I post either on YouTube or my website 🌐 (

I write a weekly newsletter 💌 ( linking the best things I read, watched, and listened to that week. Join the 1900+ that follow it every week!

The Gear I Use to film videos:…

What I’m Reading:

zach highleygymsharkhow to get out of a rut

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