It is often the case where university graduates are jobless. It is expected that after the hard work at the university one graduates and gets a job immediately but that is less evident these days. We cut off this edited clip that gives an insight on the reason why the university degree has been dimmed less and less worthy with time. In this video, we also get the knowledge of what we should be training at the university.

speaker: Dr. Jordan B Peterson
link to the full lecture:

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Well, there's a couple of problems with the degrees is that everyone has one. That's the first one which so because scarcity matters, obviously the second thing is, is that the match between the degree in the workplace has become less and less self-evident. You know what should happen when you go to university as you should learn how to think and formulate arguments. You should learn to think, speak and write. That's what the humanities are for there to make you dangerous.

Right. Because if you can think and speak and write your deadly in a complex job, you're exactly what's necessary. But if you don't have that's like what the hell good is the degree. So, I mean, a degree in English literature doesn't prepare you for a job. It could make you think, write and speak, which prepares you for any complex job. And that's what's supposed to happen. But increasingly, I think that doesn't happen. And the employers are waking up to this very rapidly.

So and they're I mean, they've already known that most for most complex positions, they have to train their people. Now they're thinking, well, why do I have to bother with the degree if I'm going to train them, if it isn't bringing anything of value? You see this in even fields like law. When I went to do a debate at Queen's University three weeks ago, I think they couldn't get anybody to debate me. You know, the guy had to play devil's advocate.

We were talking about C 16. I thought, Jesus, that's so pathetic. I'm talking about legal matters and I'm into what, greatest one of the greatest universities in the West. You know, I mean, it's in the top two hundred. Let's say I couldn't get someone to argue with the stupid psychology professor about law. I had to get a devil's advocate. And so one of the things that was really disheartening talking to the students was they told me four or five of them, they're not learning a damn thing in law.

It's all social justice nonsense. It's like, well, good, that'll do in the profession. It's being done in anyways because lawyers are being replaced by automation. And so a lot of what they do is dig up information. It's like, well, you can do that on your own. And forms are proliferating like mad. So the law school should be teaching you to be a monster. You better be. But you come out, you're concerned with social welfare.

Oh, God. It's like, well, there's just nothing to that. It's like you can come out and say you want to be nice to people. Well, that's nice. Good. You go right ahead. It's like I'll go find someone who can do something and you can go be nice to people and see how effective that is. So it's a lot of things that are conspiring in the same direction. People don't have to get married to have sex, so we have no idea what that's going to do.

Although we know one thing it's done is the only people who get married now are rich. Right. Which is another thing that's really comical because the feminist idea in the sixties was that marriage was an oppressive, oppressive, patriarchal institution. It's like, OK, fine, then why do only rich women get married now? Because that's that is the case. And so for poorer women, the dissolution of marriage has been an absolute catastrophe. They are so screwed because they have kids.

So they're working. They've got their 90 hour work week, man, that's for sure. They're much less attractive to potential mates. So they get low quality men, often parasitical and predatory. So they often have like jobs in retail, for example, which are just dreadful. You don't even know what your schedule is going to be. You get paid hardly anything. You know, it's really. But most of the women who who who are outspoken feminists are on the successful end of the socioeconomic distribution.

They're university students or people like that. They don't even know any poor women. So they have no idea what their lives are like. And you would never know because they're at home working. You know, they're either out there horrible job or they're at home slaving away with their kids. So it's not like they're out there telling you what's wrong with them.


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