Mr. Akther Abbas is a Pakistan’s top trainer, author, writer, life coach and a consular. He is called a RELATIONSHIP GURU as because he makes person’s relationship strong and save their broken relationship and also makes new relationships. He gives his services socially. He is a humble and kind person and always thankful to the GOD.
Now a day’s life of a men and women is too difficult that stuck in uncertainty and hurdles. Mr. Akther Abbas meet them one to one or make some personal secession on call and try to solve their issues and make a new life hope to them. This entire he got an institutional status in counseling and life coaching in some years.
For appointments one o one or on call paid counseling & consultation session of one hour
What’s app +923327468746 or +923009468746
As well as for 5 mint free sharing on Mondays at 9 am to 10 am .You may share your amazing true story on Tuesday at 9 to 10 am for 10 to 15 mints with him directly. He loves to listen .
#forgienbahu #disgrace #daughterinlaw
You may visit website for on line courses, for his books ,videos, columns etc. www.akhterabas.com
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