#justinbeiber #selenagomez #haileybieber welcome to Joseph tv guys. our fermous Justin Bieber the best singer and Canadian and America pop Star, have ponder and ponder over a lot of disturbing issues, in his life and decided to visit his parents and seek for solution and advice from his parents, and his grand father close family, Justin said is wiser to me to visit his father for advice, since think are not moving on so well. Justin Bieber have make a program to meet up with his parents in five days from now, guys before we proceed this is Joseph tv, if you are New here I encourage you to subscribe, so that you won't miss up with my Next upload. Justin Bieber with his close friends in a round table discussion review to him this idea to meet his parents to sick for solution and idea and discuss over certain hard fair issues disturbing his life. at the moment, he share with his friends to hear their own opinion. and ideas he said that no one knows everything and no once know to much in this life. Justin Bieber I am happy to be in your miss seated and enjoying with you guys, you all are very supportive to me. with out taken to much of our time. I want to let you all hear this. he continue. there is a period in man life things seem not to go the way he wanted, and also come a time that everything seems to be moving out smoothly. I will say this time in my life, things are very slow. as time go by I have been in to some worried issues in life like poor health, and others problems both with my wife, as a result I feel if I do not handle out things very fast. and correctly. it will greatly disturbed me. that is while I want my grandparents and my father to advise me on issues like this. I will love to hear your opinion too. one of his friends said I have not seen any thing wrong in want you are saying, it is a good ideas to sick advice from your parents when everything seem to fall apart. Justin Bieber parents we very worried as Justin Bieber explained what he has gone through all this time. they advice him to always sick advice from his elderly people, and respect any one that comes his way and always put God first in anything they are doing. in your opinion, on the comment section below tell us was it right for Justin Bieber to seek advice from his parents bass on his current health condition and other issue he is currently facing ?.