Snakes are one of those animals that scare people throughout the world, even though everyone knows that not every snake they come across is venomous. With 3000 different species, there are some snakes that look like others, even if they’re not as dangerous as one another. From one that’s got a rhyme to warn about the danger and one that looks way too much like a king cobra, to one that might even have a fake rattle. Here are 10 snakes you should never mix up!
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Copperheads are one of the most common snakes in the US, but that doesn’t mean they’re “safe” to be around. These are extremely venomous vipers, and while their venom won’t really kill you, the bite will be extremely painful, and you will find yourself totally debilitated because of it. Copperheads glisten in the sun because of their metal-like look. They’re a burnt orange, coppery color and have hourglass-shaped markings all over their bodies.
Their heads are very triangular, and their bodies start off pretty thick and taper to a thin end. A snake this crazy attacker is often confused with is the Eastern Milksnake. Where the former will attack and make it hurt, these ones are fairly chill and docile. They’ll even hang out in “human areas”, minding their own business. One of the ways to tell them apart from a copperhead is that they have a distinct “V” or “U” shaped marking on top of their head, separating the head from the body, while copperheads have a more “seamless” head.
Rattlesnakes are one of the most feared snakes on Earth. That’s because they approach with their ever terrifying rattle, and have a bite that will make you scream– their venom is not to be messed with. The venom starts off “just” being painful, and eventually spirals to a 3-day process, with your organs shutting down one by one until you just can’t go on anymore.
One of the snakes is commonly confused with the non-venomous Bull Snake. That’s because bullsnakes also flatten their heads and shake their tails when they’re scared or threatened, but they don’t have a rattle, so there’s no sound coming from the tail itself. Some say bullsnakes know they look like Rattlesnakes and are just trying to pass as them so no one would actually go on to mess with them. That theory might seem crazy, but is actually very plausible!
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