#MischiefOfMice #BitByBit #SophisticatedStorage
The Sophisticated Storage mod for Minecraft is a storage expansion mod that gives you a wide variety of decoratively colored barrels, chests, and shulker boxes and allows you to upgrade them in capacity and functionality. From sorting to more slots and from feeding nearby players to auto-picking up, crafting, smelting things, and much more - there's a lot this little mod can do!
Minecraft 1.18.2, mod version
Made by P3pp3rF1y
Get the mod HERE:
Requires Sophisticated Core mod: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sophisticated-core
0:00 Intro & what it do
0:40 What storages
0:58 Making some new storage
1:20 What is added in the base unit
4:10 Coloring storage
5:00 Upgrading number of slots
6:00 Pickup Upgrades
7:50 Magnet Upgrades
8:28 Compacting Upgrades
10:08 Void Upgrades
11:08 Furnace, Smoker, & Blast Furnace Upgrades
12:30 Crafting & Stone Cutter Upgrades
13:20 Stack Upgrades
14:18 Feeding Upgrades
15:43 Filter Upgrades
16:45 Automation Example: Compacting, Smoking, Magnet
17:20 Jukebox Upgrade
๐Mischief of Mice links: https://hypel.ink/mischiefofmice ๐ญ
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