How to break the tendency to consume content than finding time to build

How to break the tendency to consume content than finding time to build

We have a tendency to consume content than finding time to build a product as it is convenient. We pretend to be busy without getting anything done.

There is a gap between learning & actually doing something about it. If we are surrounded by people who are not only learning but doing it then we also tend to deliver. And that is why cohort based learning is exciting.

Learn more about building habits for growth in business and life.

Stay tuned for the podcast to know more about the playbook.
Click on podcast link in caption.

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About the Speaker:-

Rahul Bhargava is a Management Consultant with 13+ years of experience, working on C-suite issues at large enterprises, mid-market firms, not-for-profits and startups. Extensive experience in Strategy development & Implementation, Digital Transformation and Operations Excellence. He started his career with McKinsey & Company, and led projects in USA, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Abu Dhabi, Singapore, Zambia, China and India. He was also a Leader of the highly complex India operations, of one of the UN offices in public health space, for about 2 years, resulting in the launch of one of the largest Public-Private Programs in Maternal & Child Health. He founded PurpleCrest, a boutique advisory firm that provides management consulting to mid-market firms.

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