Canyon and Savannah wanted so bad to see what was in the presents under the tree. It is not even Christmas yet. Well, they could not resist and looked inside. This was not a good idea because the elf On The Shelf was watching and jumped in to teach these Tannerites Kids a lesson about patience!
Welcome to The TANNERITES!
We are a family of 9 (Mom, Dad, and 7 kids) who love to experience the best of life through spontaneous adventures, being positive about life's difficulties, loving and serving others, and BEATING Cancer!
Music by: Epidemic Sound http://share.epidemicsound.com/zZSmP
For collaborations, business, and personal inquiries please email: business@tannerites.com
Caught Elf Taking Our PreSents - We Were PeaKing Early Under The Tree! Starring Canyon Tannerites and Savannah Tannerites. Aspen Directing and behind the camera!