Twiglet Zone: Rivers of Energy impact the universe, and our lives. Here is why.

Twiglet Zone: Rivers of Energy impact the universe, and our lives. Here is why.

Elevated Planet's "The Twiglet Zone": Fantastical tales accompanied by a savory snack!

Rivers of electro-magnetic energy flow throughout the universe, available for anyone to use, much like streams of Plankton flow through our oceans creating an elemental life force energy for our ocean dwellers.
ET Spaceships are able to convert these electro-magnetic rivers into fuel that ensures they never run out of energy, regardless of the distances to be traversed.
The power of thought is immense, and it represents so much more than what we typically give it credit for. The ET's craft's can travel at "the speed of thought" which is significantly faster than the speed of light, thus allowing them to travel the Universe (& Multiverse) without it taking lifetimes to achieve these vast distances.
The power of thought is also very important for our planet, as every thought carries its own energy, and the sum total of this energy circulates Planet Earth. Because of the increase in concentration of dense energies like fear, aggression, division energy, greed, control etc. this acts as a kind of "thought pollution" that creates an invisible drag on mankind.
However, the solution is to hand, and here Elevated Planet explains how we can come together, focused both individually & collectively on the high frequency energies of love, compassion, joy, laughter, fearlessness etc. to create a high frequency world around us that enables us all to rise together, and follow Gaia Mother Earth from the third to the fifth dimension.
Meanwhile, our Galactic Cousins are here to help us on this journey. They come in love & service to mankind.
They represent significantly more advanced civilizations, and there is nothing for us to fear.
But it won't be long before their existence is part of our "mainstream reality," as they will continue to be increasingly visible in order to encourage this change in consciousness for mankind.
It is an amazing time to be here on this planet, and the time to prepare ourselves for the changes to come is now!
It is time to Elevate our Planet to the high frequency energies that benefit all, and to welcome our Galactic Cousins with open arms!


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