Date: 31-Oct-2021
Sermon Title: The Gospel to the Gentiles: The Searching Soldier!
We are so Glad to share this Special Service with you.
Karen Teeney leads in Worship today,
Geoff Malan brings God's Word,
and Mc Clellan Good leads us in Communion.
We are continuing on a Series, based on the Book of Acts. And today, we are having another look at the Passage from Acts Chapter 10, Verses 1 to 16.
Today's Sermon continues to look at Peter ministering the Gospel. And today, we are looking at the person of Cornelius, the soldier who was in a search for the Truth.
The Sermon begins with pointing out how even with the Jews, as with many in the Church now, there was this whole lot of privilege, and elitism, and walls of exclusiveness. But that was never God's Will, originally. For all are created by Him, and live unto Him. And even in His Promises, He did reveal that. The Lord also often did demonstrate that Himself, bringing down walls of Prejudice, and Distinctions.
And we see that same happening in today's Passage.
The Sermon then turns to look closer at Cornelius, and to glean lessons to our benefit from him. Because Cornelius was more than a soldier. He was a good, moral, religious man, who feared God. One of the better examples in society. But none of that 'saved' him. But yes, they did all work together to cause God to turn to him, and show mercy and grace to him, and to send His Word to him.
And when Cornelius received that word, and responded to that, then, He did get saved..., and his household.
The Sermon looks at 4 things that Cornelius either turned away from, or chose to walk in. Every one of these showed that he revered God, feared Him, and loved Him, and sought God, and turned to God with all his heart, with all his soul, and all his strength. And God, faithful to His Promise, always turns to those who turn to Him. God loves those who search for Him, and honor Him. And when God sees a heart that is searching for Him, He responds, He helps, and He sends more light; even sending His available servants to minister the Truth to them.
And He did the same with Cornelius, by preparing Peter's heart, and sending him.
The Sermon closes by challenging us to shed off all elitism, prejudices, to reach out to 'all', even to those we feel are above us, or below us, with no discrimination. And to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit when He moves us, and sends us to minister the Truth to them.
Hope the Sermon Blesses you.
Have a Wonderful Week ahead!