Sharing a Powerful Kingdom Biblical Message and Truth titled “WHY MEN OUGHT TO ALWAYS PRAY AND NOT FAINT’’(Applicable Biblical and Real life Successful Christian Living explanations , Tools and examples about The Importance & Priority of Prayer in The Life of a Christian Believer)!!!🙏 A Kingdom “BLOW THE TRUMPET IN ZION”and WAKE UP CALL to every Christian Believer , Churches and Ministers of The Gospel of Jesus Christ to Pray without Ceasing ! Also a Timely Biblical Kingdom Message in light of The Signs of The Times that We are living in-THE END-TIMES that Jesus said that “Men out to always Pray and not Faint! TEXT :Luke 18:1-8.,Ministered by Apostle Anthony Moses of Christ Foundation Church of Dallas Texas/ Christ Foundation Global Network 🙏🏼Please Support , Share and Subscribe free to our numerous Teaching Video messages , by hitting the Subscribe button. Follow , Subscribe and listen on Our U-TUBE Channel under “Apostle Anthony Moses” 🙏🏼 Thank you for your continued Support and Prayers. Please address All Correspondence to our Physical Location Church address: Christ Foundation Church: 10727 Plano Road, ste#100. Dallas Texas 75238. Email: staffer@sbcglobal.net. May God Continue to protect and bless you and your family in Jesus Christ mighty name! AMEN! https://www.google.com/maps/@/data=!3m1!4b1!4m3!11m2!2ss8GZb7EaxFhyRHbeXLZ-RzZTjuEy8Q!3e3?shorturl=1