LOG CABIN in ALASKA (Plumbing Rough-In) - Wk 23

LOG CABIN in ALASKA (Plumbing Rough-In) - Wk 23

My Alaskan Log Cabin's plumbing (rough-in water, waste and vent) is the subject of this week's video. The cabin will be heated by a radiant slab. The heat will be provided by a small boiler located in the mechanical shed (behind the cabin). I have built an insulated utilidor which connects the cabin to the mech. shed. The utilidor carries all my hydronic heat and domestic water supply lines between the two buildings. In a couple of weeks I will tackle the heating system. It will be interesting.

Next week however, I will be working on the electrical rough-in. My goal is to get permanent electricity run into the cabin. I am looking forward to that. Until now, all of my electricity has been provided by a 2000 watt Honda generator. It is big enough to operate ta couple of lights and one power tool at a time. It has done well though, it is a great little generator.

I want to thank you all for watching my videos. It is a privilege and a pleasure to create them to share with everyone.

Peace to you my friends.


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