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This is a mobile legends gameplay highlights or montage of the hero Fanny in the new update with a lot of freestyle in 2021 by Randy25 the top 1 global fanny s16 s17 s18 and theoretically also s20 and with one of the best fanny win rate ever in the history of mobile legends by a top global Fanny with fast farming and new build.
My contents are made for entertainment purposes only!!
Konten konten saya dibuat hanya untuk hiburan!!
Follow me and my journey to hopefully one day become "one of the best" Fanny players in the world by subscribing and turning on the notification!
Ikuti perjalanan saya untuk hopefully suatu hari nanti menjadi salah satu player Fanny terbaik dunia dengan subscribe dan menyalakan notifikasi!
Thank you everyone for watching my contents :)
Terimakasih semuanya yang sudah menonton konten konten saya :)
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Device : Iphone 12 pro max