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☞ November 2021 Current Affairs By Sonvir Sir playlist :-
☞ UP Constable Special Hindi Practice Set By Ankit Sir playlist:-
☞ UP Police Constable Maths By Deepak Sir playlist :-
☞ UP Police Constable Reasoning By Sandeep sir playlist :-
☞ UP Police Constable GS Practice Set By Naveen Sir playlist :-
☞ UP Police Constable Hindi Practice Set By Neeraj Sir playlist :-
☞ Special UP GK by Navneet Sir playlist:-
☞ UPSI Old is Gold Series Maths By Rahul Sir playlist :-
☞ UPSI Old is Gold Series Reasoning By Deepak Sir playlist :-
☞ UPSI Old is Gold Series Hindi By Naveen Sir playlist :-
☞ Moolvidhi Act Special By Naveen Sir playlist :-
☞ SSC GD & UP SI Static GK By Naveen Sir playlist :-
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00:00 Intro
04:07 Important Awards
06:01 खेल रत्न सम्मान
07:56 सरस्वती सम्मान
12:09 "10 हफ्ते, 10 बजे ,10 मिनट"
12:36 प्रकाश पर्व पर डाक टिकट का मूल्य
13:23 पोलियो मुक्त महाद्वीप
14:52 देश की प्रथम किसान रेल
15:43 ऑपरेशन समुद्र सेतु
17:45 Virus G-4
18:09 सुशासन सूचकांक
18:45 कामत समिति का गठन
19:47 Black Lives Matter
21:56 Global Peace Index 2020
22:43 मैथयू हेडन और लिसा सिंह को व्यापार दूत नियुक्त किया
23:37 First Lady to Reach Challenger Deep
23:55 अमेरिका तालिबान शान्ति समझौता
24:31 सुनहरी मस्जिद
24:57 हागिया सोफ़िया म्यूजियम
26:15 1700 Years Old Statue of Lord Buddha Found
27:01 Help of 3500 Crores to India for Covid 19
27:24 2019 में सड़क दुर्घटनाओ से होने वाली मौत
28:02 Venice Film Awards
30:09 प्रधानमंत्री मतस्य सम्पदा योजना
31:08 रामविलास पासवान जी का निधन
↪️↪️Thanks for all friends........