Badi Bhavishyavani: Alert,4th December 2021, A very Difficult Solar Eclipse ,मुश्किल सूर्य-ग्रहण

Badi Bhavishyavani: Alert,4th December 2021, A very Difficult Solar Eclipse ,मुश्किल सूर्य-ग्रहण

On 4th December,2021,There will be a Total Solar Eclipse ,it would not be visible in India but it will have far reaching consequences on the world. Some important predictions on the Mundane level and the Personal do's and dont's during and after the Surya Grahan.
Surya Grahan Ke Prabhav.

#MukeshVatsAstrologer #VatsUvaach #SolarEclipse

Mukesh Vats AstrologerVats UvachaSolar Eclipse 2021

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