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Heyo! Welcome to some extremely up close ASMR for you to fall asleep to! I had a lot of fun making this with all the great ASMR triggers! This one is also binaural so enjoy that! Thank you all so much for watching and please DON'T FORGET TO SMILE!
Instagram & Twitter: xRyanGutierrezx
Check Out My Etsy Shop! https://www.etsy.com/shop/RyansKillerCreations
TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/xryangutierrezx
Become a Patreon for EXCLUSIVE Discord Access! https://www.patreon.com/TheAsmrRyan
CONTACT: theasmryan@gmail.com
BUY NEW MERCH HERE: https://www.hottopic.com/creators/social/asmr-ryan/
P.O. Box 40807
Downey, CA 90239
Check Out these Amazing Creators that Motivate Me!
Busy B ASMR - https://www.youtube.com/busybasmr
Gibi ASMR - https://www.youtube.com/gibiasmr
RaffyTaphyASMR - https://www.youtube.com/raffytaphyasmr
ASMR Zeitgeist - https://www.youtube.com/asmrzeitgeist
Ephemeral Rift - https://www.youtube.com/ephemeralrift
Prim ASMR - https://www.youtube.com/primasmr
Madi ASMR - https://www.youtube.com/madiasmr
Catplant ASMR - https://www.youtube.com/catplantasmr
The White Rabbit ASMR - https://www.youtube.com/thewhiterabbitasmr
Zach Choi ASMR - https://www.youtube.com/zachchoi
FredsVoice ASMR - https://www.youtube.com/user/WhisperMister1