This video is in Loving Memory to those 3 females who have sadly died by Suicide and this Tribute Video might also be emotional for some viewers to watch, but it's very important too keep their Memories and Spirits alive.
Every 40 seconds, somewhere around the World, one person will died by Suicide. That is 99 people every 66 minutes.
Suicide Awareness needs to be reached out to more and more people around the World, so we can try and help save more precious lives.
#WhoCommittedSuicide #MaleSuicides #YouthSuicides
Sad Piano Music by YouTube.
This beautiful piece of Music can be found in the YouTube Library.
This Music also contains No Copyright either and is free to use in YouTube Videos to make your own videos online or to make Tribute Videos.
Suicide and Suicidal thoughts remain a leading health concern for people of all ages, and if you feel that you are truly struggling, then please seek HELP immediately as it's NEVER too late to help save your own precious life.
As we see a person Smile and look Happy, we will still never know how they are really feeling deep down inside.
Please DON'T ever let your Inner Demons claim your own life.
Nearly 800,000 people die by Suicide in the World each year, which is roughly one Death every 40 seconds and Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of Death in the World for those aged 15-24 years.
Depression is also the leading cause of Disability Worldwide.
Every day, approximately 130 Americans die by Suicide.
An estimated 285,000 each year become Suicide Survivors.
It is NEVER easy losing someone you truly love and care about.
For those we have lost to Suicide, it's absolutely heartbreaking and devastating and they will never be forgotten.
This video is in Loving Memory to those 10 people who have sadly died by Suicide.
It's too keep their Memories and Spirits alive.
Love from MrCaringuy.