Why the chosen ones are highly enlightened soul |Unique signs you are highly evolved
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#FascinatingTV#highlyevolved#spiritualenlightenment#soul#soulawakening#oldsoul#chosenones#Why the chosen ones are highly enlightened soul#wakeup3AM#3AM#3:30AM#4AM#divinehour#witchhour#chosen#0friends#higherconconsciousness#misunderstanding#misunderstand#haters#howtodealwithhaters#consciousness#FascinatingTV#Fascinating TV#people#society#new age,spirit#spirituality#spirituawakening#oneschosen
Powerful souls having human experience, welcome back to another video. Have you ever wondered what it really means to be an enlightened soul? If you exude modesty, kindness, humility, and intelligence, can that mean you automatically possess an enlightened soul? If you have reached a certain level of spiritual awakening in your life after a life-altering event, does that immediately make you an enlightened person? We often associate “enlightened soul” with good-mannered people, but not all of us have a full grasp of its meaning. If you think you are an enlightened soul because you possess great, well-mannered traits or because a friend told you that you are one, then you are at the right place. awakening happens when you are no longer living in a dream world, where you filter everything through your ego, and focusing on the future and the past....When you look across faith traditions, there is a common thread that describes this state as nirvana, enlightenment, or awakening. This consciousness happens when you stop being the observer, and instead you ask yourself, who is observing? In this video, we will delve into the different unique signs of having an enlightened soul, as well as the true meaning behind it. What does it mean to be an enlightened soul? This may vary as influenced by culture, religion, and beliefs. but the general idea is pretty much the same. someone who has an enlightened soul is someone who had an emotional, spiritual, and psychological awakening. Often referred to as bliss, nirvana, or simply enlightenment. a person is believed to reach this point of “awakening” in life wherein they possess a new sense of being in this world. “Spiritual awakenings can be spontaneous, but for most, they are triggered by major life changes or traumas such as life-threatening illnesses, car accidents, divorces, war, quarter-life or midlife crises, mental health crises such as clinical depression or anxiety, or even a near-death experience.” If you have gone through a life-changing event in your life and it helped you transform into the best version of yourself, chances are you are an enlightened soul. Bear in mind that there are different degrees of #enlightenment. And everyone is at a unique point in their spiritual development. This means that some may be more enlightened than others. Here are 11 unique signs that proves you are truly an enlightened soul. Number 1. You are self-aware.
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