Top 10 Evil People Who Claim To Be God
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There are some terrible, awful people in this world who sometimes like to claim to be an all powerful being, or a savior or sorts despite being the exact opposite. We are talking about a lot of cult leaders today so buckle up folks. What is up top 10 fam, welcome back. I am your host today Olivia Kosolofski and today we are going to be covering the Top 10 Evil People Who Claim To Be God
#top10 #evil #god #cult #evilcults #evilpeople #cultleaders #jimjones #mostamazingtop10
Subscribe To Most Amazing Elite: http://bit.ly/30cv31b
Time Codes:
0:00- Intro
00:24 Shoko Asahara
01:32 David Koresh
02:36 Rael
03:15 Michael Travesser
04:12 Yahweh ben Yahweh
04:59 Sergey Torop
05:58 Chris Korda
07:01 Marshall Applewhite
08:07 Jim Jones
09:00 Charles Manson
Channel Producer:
Landon Dowlatsingh- https://www.instagram.com/landonproductions/
Most Amazing Top 10 Instagram-
Most Amazing Top 10 Facebook-
Hosted By:
Olivia Kosolofski: https://www.instagram.com/okosolofski/
Edited By:
Jennire Narvaez: https://www.instagram.com/jennirenarvaezphotography/
For Business Inquiries Contact: mostamazingtop10@gmail.com