The 3rd Online course, titled - 'Upanishads - A Scientific Approach', was conducted by Sri M on 14th October 2021. Sri M commenced with an introduction to the Vedas, proceeded to give an elaborate explanation on the concept of the Upanishads, followed by a Q&A session with the students.
00:00 – Introduction
00:44 – Sri M commences the talk – Upanishads - The Scientific Approach
02:56 – What is a Scientific approach?
03:35 – Difference between religious and spiritual
05:43 – The Upanishads – Exploration into consciousness
06:34 – What is a mantra?
07:35 – Sahana Vavathu – Explanation
14:54 – What is needed for the study of the Upanishads
17:28 – Vedas – An understanding
22:04 – Vedanta – Upanishads
23:46 – Meaning of the word Upanishad – ‘Upa’, ‘Ni’ and ‘Shad’
24:18 – Meaning of ‘Upa’
31:04 – Meaning of ‘shad’
34:20 – Example/Analogy of the Ashwattha tree in the Bhagavad Gita – Purushotthama Yoga
38:48 – Meaning of ‘ni’
40:44 – Story of the Zen Master
46:00 – Mandukya Upanishad – A general introduction
52:40 – Q&A begins
53:32 – Q1 - Can you explain the difference between Upanishads and Aranyakas?
55:00 – Q2 - How do you know that you are ready for a Guru?
58:13 - Q3 - I am from the Social Sciences Department. Can you shed some light on how we can incorporate the teachings of the Upanishads into the Social Sciences, in today's world?
01:05:36 - Q4 - At a very young age, you left your home and family, to progress on your spiritual path and in search of the Truth. What was your state of mind at that point in time and what made you leave everything?
01:14:20 – Q5 - A 3-Part question
1) How and why was there a natural progression from the Vedas to the Upanishads and how are they different?
2) Can you explain the essence of the Upanishads in 2 sentences?
3) The Upanishads were compiled so very long ago. How are the teachings of the Upanishads relevant in today's fast paced world, especially after the Covid pandemic, when everything has become virtual?
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#SriM #IITDelhiOnlineCourse3Session1 #UpanishadsAScientificApproach