Day 1 - The Person and Ministry of the Holy Spirit #srlseminary
Dear brethren, I am very glad to announce that you will be able watch a virtual conference from the REFORMED SEMINARY OF LATIN AMERICA for free as I will be livestreaming it here on this channel starting today, October 18th, at 7pm EST / 4pm PST and ending on October 23rd. I invite you to visit their website here for more information and to register for free: https://srlseminary.org/
I hope and trust you will find the conference a blessing. May it be so, to the glory of God.
- Rich Moore
Featured Speakers:
John MacArthur
Tom Ascol
Joel Beeke
Burk Parsons
Steve Lawson
Sugel Michelen
Robert Godfrey
Conrad Mebewe
David Barcelo
Luis Contreras
Noe Acosta
Stephen Nichols
Julio Benitez
David Garner
Sam Waldron
Chris Larson
Jared Longshore
Gabriel Prieto