Cycling from Clapham to Chancery Lane the hassle-free way

Cycling from Clapham to Chancery Lane the hassle-free way

You can cycle from Clapham to Chancery Lane in Holborn in about 30 minutes on all quiet streets and protected cycle lanes.

This route is about five and a half miles long and it is generally quicker than taking public transport for the same journey.

The route makes use of Quietway 5 (Cycleway 5), the Oval low traffic neighbourhood, Cycleway 6 and some quiet backstreets in the City.

If you find this video useful please remember to like it on YouTube and subscribe to the channel.

You can download a map of the route here in GPS/GPX format

And thank you very much to viewer John Levermore for producing this excellent map of all the routes so far, which we're planning to keep up to date. It's a great way to pick routes in areas that are useful to you


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