Chaos Coaster Strategy 5 min Time Frame w/ Back Testing Results

Chaos Coaster Strategy 5 min Time Frame w/ Back Testing Results

This is a review of the chaos coaster strategy. It has been tested on US30, NAS100, & GER30/ DAX on the 5 min time frame.


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Additional Indices Information:
What Are Index Futures?
Index futures are futures contracts whereby a trader can buy or sell a financial index today to be settled at a future date. Traders use index futures to speculate on the price direction of an index such as the S&P 500.

Investors and investment managers also use index futures to hedge their equity positions against losses.
Index Futures Explained
Index futures, like all futures contracts, give the trader or investor the power and obligation to deliver the cash value of the contract based on an underlying index at a specified future date. Unless the contract is unwound before expiration through an offsetting trade, the trader is obligated to deliver the cash value on expiry.

An index tracks the price of an asset or group of assets. Index futures are derivatives, meaning they are derived from an underlying asset—the index. Traders use these products to exchange various instruments including equities, commodities and currencies. For example, the S&P 500 Index tracks the stock prices of 500 of the largest companies traded in the United States.1 An investor could buy or sell index futures on the S&P 500 to speculate on the appreciation or depreciation of the index.

Profits and Loss from Index Futures
An index futures contract states the holder agrees to purchase an index at a particular price on a specified future date. Index futures are typically settled quarterly, and there are several annual contracts as well.

Equity index futures are cash settled, meaning there's no delivery of the underlying asset at the end of the contract. If on expiry the price of the index is higher than the agreed-upon contract price, the buyer has made a profit, and the seller—the future writer—has suffered a loss. Should the opposite be true, the buyer suffers a loss, and the seller makes a profit.

For example, if the Dow were to close at 16,000 at the end of September, the holder who bought a September futures contact one year earlier at 15,760 would reap a profit.

Profits are determined by the difference between the entry and exit prices of the contract. As with any speculative trade, there are risks the market could move against the position. As mentioned earlier, the trading account must meet margin requirements and could receive a margin call to cover any risk of further losses. Also, the trader must understand that many factors can drive market index prices, including macroeconomic conditions such as growth in the economy and corporate earnings or disappointments.


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*None of this is meant to be construed as investment advice, it's for entertainment purposes only. Links above include affiliate commission or referrals. I'm part of an affiliate network and I receive compensation from partnering websites. The video is accurate as of the posting date but may not be accurate in the future.


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