#SilverStacking #PreciousMetals #SilverSlayer
*Start investing into GSX here* https://gsxcde.com/invite?ref=UD63089
(GSX also standing for Gold Secured Currency) is a Crypto backed by Physical Gold from their own mining sites across the world. You will even be able to exchange your GSX for physical gold as well. This is by far the most revolutionary crypto project i've ever seen and a genius idea. I'm comfortable investing and sharing GSX because its backed by something of REAL value (which is physical gold and silver)
& btw.. GSX is MUCH more than just what i've mentioned above.. its almost overwhelming to understand how big this project truly is. Asset backing, coin burn, a stable coin, crypto and investment coin that pays yearly dividends distributed back into the shareholder. That's just a slightly more detailed explanation but there's still a LOT more. They launched Stratus.co which is like a Facebook / Amazon marketplace / Crypto Exchange / Social media networking center allowing you to exchange GSX for BTC or ETH.. They also are working on a mobile app called GOLD inc. which allows you to mine crypto and earn rewards in game to exchange for physical gold or GSX. Over the next 3 years they are expanding into other mining operations beyond gold and copper and if you want to see their results, mining locations etc. they even share their Geological data report on the site! Btw.. this isn't sponsored.. this everything i've learned about the Company and the crypto so far.. it has extremely caught my attention because of the idea behind it, & especially seeing the results of what they are doing and not just "saying" they will eventually do. This coin is still new as the company is too so be patient especially with a project this big.. its gonna take time.. but i'm investing into the idea for several reasons i just mentioned so if you also want to invest the link is up above!
*Merch for Silver Stackers! https://www.slayersmerch.com/
If you would like to donate, here are the links -
- Paypal / https://paypal.me/SilverSlayer21?locale.x=en_US
- Bitcoin / bc1qs50eqxv49q3j9t0je33kqa3yl6uha6rg2lwgly
(All donations are extremely appreciate, but only donate if you want to)
Subscribe to my "Shorts" channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClGf5k-sGExw8UKt0cCZa1A
Follow me on reddit! https://www.reddit.com/user/SilverSlayerYT
Join the Wallstreetsilver movement! https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetsilver/
Checkout their Youtube channel as well! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXWoMTRWJTIZwUblljo5aDQ
Subscribe to my other channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClGf5k-sGExw8UKt0cCZa1A
Become an exclusive member of the Slayer Elite here!
Bitcoin donations are welcome :) bc1qs50eqxv49q3j9t0je33kqa3yl6uha6rg2lwgly
Follow me on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/silverslayerofficial/?igshid=1mk6uwohale21
Subscribe to my 2nd channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClGf5k-sGExw8UKt0cCZa1A
Business email - Silverfiend21@gmail.com
***DO NOT invest more than you are willing to lose.. every investment has risk involved. I am NOT a financial advisor, do not seek financial advice from this channel as i am only sharing my experience & opinion involving the world of Precious Metals & Cryptocurrency. Always be careful & responsible.. do your research before investing into ANYTHING***
- Slayer