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Greetings Commanders!
As we announced on a community post, we have a cool event for our subscribers. We want to thank you for supporting our channel, so we’ve prepared a little gift! The event will be posted in our Community Posts on October 5th at 5:00 (UTC).
A quick reminder of the event rules:
1. Subscribe to our YouTube channel
2. Set your channel subscriptions public (Sign in - Click your profile picture - Settings - Left Menu, select Privacy - Turn off "Keep all my subscriptions private")
How to participate in the event? Just leave a comment on our NEXT COMMUNITY POST with your Action Taimanin user ID (In-game Lobby - Menu - Profile - your User ID that consists of numbers). The first 100 to comment their user ID will get 400 FREE gems!
*NOTE: Only one entry per user.*
Winners will be announced in a separate YouTube community post on Friday, 8th of October 2021 and the gems will be distributed on the week after.
- Mimi and Sooz