Here's a video exploring 9 novel things in this 'fork of experimentation' of the live eurorack modular system. How I'm doing slicker muting, sidechaining, sick dropz, easy acid sequences, preset rhythms, & the magic PicoDSP/Valhalla DSP hack, and more, discussed. LINKS BELOW ⮯
▶ Patreon: https://patreon.com/mylarmelodies
▶ (Affiliate link!) Buy stuff & support the channel: https://tidd.ly/3zBYb22
▶ Modulargrid of this system: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/racks/view/1618833
▶ The Liveset at Steve's using it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COtyy1kFICU
▶ An hour live stream of practice with this system: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXRAczpfIwQ
▶ Olan! - Liveset: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSFY-TrlCpA
▶ Olan Case Explainer 1 of 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucq4-nm-TAA
💸 #ad Those Soundcore wireless headphones advertised! Using them daily, happily:
Liberty 3 Pro
US Bestbuy: https://bestbuy.7tiv.net/9WzNL0
US: https://soundcore.club/3ukqXT2
UK: https://soundcore.club/3iaFAn2
DE: https://soundcore.club/3ANnHlv
EU: https://soundcore.club/3CSisBz
▶ Happy Nerding 4x Mutes: http://www.happynerding.com/category/4xmute/
▶ Endorphines Cockpit 2: https://www.endorphin.es/modules/p/cockpit-2
▶ Endorphines Golden Master: https://tidd.ly/3mmhVSS (Affilliate link!)
▶ Black Market Modular Colour Palette (💀discontinued!): https://www.modulargrid.net/e/black-market-modular-colour-palette
▶ DIYRE Colour Palette Duo/the format: https://www.diyrecordingequipment.com/pages/the-colour-format
▶ DIYRE 15ips Tape saturation colour card: https://www.diyrecordingequipment.com/products/15ips-tape-saturation-colour-mkii
▶ Music Thing Turing Machine: https://www.thonk.co.uk/shop/turingmkii/
▶ Erica Synths Pico Quant: https://tidd.ly/3BsSK5o (Affiliate Link!)
▶ Eowave Domino: http://www.eowave.com/domino/
▶ LS1 Lightstrip: https://www.sound-machines.it/product/ls1lightstrip/
▶ Mutable Instruments Blades: https://tidd.ly/3nFoteJ (Affiliate Link!)
▶ ADDAC 213A & 213B Eurorack Bridge: https://www.addacsystem.com/en/products/modules/addac200-series/addac213a
▶ Future Sounds Makrow: http://www.futuresoundsystems.co.uk/returnmakrow.html
▶ Robaux SWT16+: https://www.robaux.io/swt16plus
▶ Valhalla DSP Halls of Valhalla Card: https://valhalladsp.com/2014/01/18/a-new-reverb-cartridge-for-the-z-dsp-halls-of-valhalla/
▶ Tiptop Audio Z-DSP: https://tiptopaudio.com/zdsp-ns/
▶ Erica Synths PicoDSP: https://tidd.ly/3bkO3QB (Affilliate Link!!)
▶ XODES BCI Backpack (Get Chipquik SMD Removal ki): https://www.xodes.net/product/bci-bp-pico
NOTE: There are a couple of different versions as it also supports the larger Erica Synths DSP FX unit, plus there is an expander to allow front panel access.
▶ Perhaps BTW you'd like an Eowave Quadrantid Swarm Module? (Affiliate link!!): https://tidd.ly/3nGzzjE
▶ (Affiliate link!) Buy stuff & support the channel: https://tidd.ly/3zBYb22
00:00 What is this?
03:34 1: A new way to Mute!
09:03 2: A way to sidechain and master.
14:34 3: The easiest way to sequence acid.
21:31 4: The acid of the Eowave Domino
26:03 Ad Break: Soundcore Wirelesss Headphones
28:59 5: A way to do sick highpass dropz
36:34 6: A way to link two cases instantly.
38:53 7: A way to have macro control.
43:05 8: A way to have preset rhythms (SWT16+)
50:05 9: A way to fit ValhallaDSP into 3HP.
56:53 An important thought about sharing ideas.
Shot on Black Magic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K and edited on Davinci Resolve.
Shoutout https://merveilles.town/@grey/ for the Chipquik recc!