The CosmicLightningWarrior explains the GameStop short squeeze as of September 11, 2021 and YAHOO FINANCE GME FLOAT 250M AND RETAIL OWNS THE FLOAT (WE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN RIGHT) - YOU SHOULD SHARE THIS W SKEPTICS. This may be the most IMPORTANT DD ever (first time I read one verbatim) as it proves EVERYTHING about the GME MOASS. The FLOAT is owned by Retail according to Yahoo Finance which means we have already won and the GME MOASS is the only play!!! I explain the GME MOASS (and how AMC squeeze is affected) compared to the VW Squeeze and the other previous squeezes/why the GME squeeze is a once in forever situation. With the MACD crossover imminent, the floor is set for 10million a share, and a potential Gamma squeeze is on the way. Hopefully the new NCSS/DTCC rulings will force a margin call and launch this MOASS to Andromeda with 20 million being my personal floor. Although GME is manipulated like none other, the last THREE TIMES the MACD crossed the price has jumped significantly ($108 to $350). #GME Lightning discusses how retail investors own MORE THAN 100% OF THE FLOAT and how this impacts the GME short squeeze, and how the hedge funds like Melvin and Citadel are screwed, and how the entire US Stock Market may collapse. Big banks are selling bonds worth 340 billion total, working long hours over the weekend, and $GME is set to explode at any moment. The GME Short Squeeze originally started to take off in January but was halted by the Robinhood app...but April 2021 could be the beginning of something much much bigger. (this shit is not advice btw)
45:00-1:16:00 : BEST SYNOPSIS EVER + Drawings
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My Other GME Short Squeeze Videos:
GME full playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1kjkbGCGPbhskAvgeQyCpkcfM8AyGOPU
Ultimate GME MOASS Guide (pt 1): https://youtu.be/WaYMxpOmk6E