Through our videos, we are calling out to the Body of Christ and new Christians to join us and get to know Jesus better. If your faith has reached a saturation point and you don't know how to progress spiritually, we hope that this and other videos will expand your mind and heart to be a more intentional Christian and adopt certain practices that you may not have learnt from the Church. We ask you to be open to the suggestions offered here, and seek God for His wisdom if you have questions. When you seek, you shall find. When you ask, it shall be given.
Dashy's Way combines Christian teachings and wisdom with our love for food and dogs. We are here to serve and our eternal wish is that all our visitors gain some insights about themselves, and that our teachings give them that spark of hope that they have been searching for.
We are not here to impress our opinions and beliefs on anyone. Rather, we speak from the heart. We celebrate the beauty of our 3-in1 God (Father God, Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit) as He truly is.
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๐ Freshness is key so our cakes are baked on demand.
๐ Our cakes do not contain any preservatives.
๐ฐ Our cakes are baked for smaller or larger appetites and families.
๐ฑFor our health-conscious customers, know that you can indulge without the guilt! With your health in mind.
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1. Believe More, Laugh More, Love More @ bit.ly/3mnIDea
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Love and light to all!
Music: Brandenburg Concerto No4-1 BWV1049 - Classical Whimsical by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100303
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
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