Another fantastic weekend spent at the National Pike steam show in Brownsville PA. For more info on this show check out their Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/NPSGHA
All my previous videos of the show can be seen here:
-Follow me on Instagram & Facebook @dieselcreek to see what I'm up to before it hits YouTube! #DieselCreek
-Merch Store!: https://dieselcreek.com
-Help support the channel using these affiliate links!
Get some sweet gear from Yankum Ropes here!
Plus use the code dieselcreek at checkout for 5% off your purchase!
-If you’d like to help get the Autocar back on the road you can help out here: https://www.patreon.com/DieselCreek
OR send a One Time Contribution Via PayPal to DieselCreek@gmail.com
-Custom Music made for me by Vinnie Longhi of the Semi-Supervillains
Check them out here: https://www.youtube.com/user/TSSVision
-Wanna send me something? sent it to:
Diesel Creek
P.O. Box 109
Burgettstown PA 15021-0109