Surf Curse - Freaks (Lyrics) “I dream of you almost every night hopefully I won't wake” TikTok Song
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🎤 Lyrics:
Don't kill me just help me run away
From everyone I need a place to stay
Where I can cover up my face
Don't cry, I am just a freak
I am just a freak
I am just a freak
I am just a freak
My head is filled with parasites
Black holes cover up my eyes
I dream of you almost every night
Hopefully I won't wake up this time
I won't wake up this time
I won't wake up this time
I won't wake up this time
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#SurfCurse #Freaks #TikTok #Lyrics
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freaks lyrics surf curse
surf curse freaks
surf curse freaks lyrics
I dream of you almost every night hopefully I won't wake
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