Samanya Dharma refers to ethical duties that every person is expected to practice in life so that a harmonious and enlightened society could be built up. The talk will take one through what, why & how of practicing Samanya Dharma.
About the Speaker: Nithin Sridhar passionately writes about various issues from development, politics, and social issues, to religion, spirituality, and ecology. He is Chief Curator of Advaita Academy dedicated to the dissemination of Advaita Vedanta. He was previous Editor of IndiaFacts and has written four books including Musings On Hinduism, Samanya Dharma, Isopanishad: An English Commentary and Menstruation Across Cultures: A Historical Perspective. He tweets at @nkgrock.
0:00 Power statement
0:38 What is the significance of the four-legged bull depicted on the cover page?
9:15 In the book you explain ‘Chaturvidha purushartha’ wherein you say that the principle of Dharma must act as a guiding force in pursuing Kama and Artha, why do you say so?
18:15 How would you define Dharma?
25:20 You mention that Dharma upholds all beings. So, when we say protection of Dharma or establishment of Dharma, are we making a fundamental mistake in understanding the concept?
32:00 How can we define if certain action is Dharmic or Adharmic? Also, In the title you refer to dharma as ethical duties. What is the responsibility aspect of it?
43:10 What is Swa-Dharma? How is it different from Samanya dharma and Vishesh dharma?
56:15 Please help us understand the Rta, Satya and Dharma correlation.
58:45 You said that Ahimsa should be practiced in action, speech as well as mind. Ahimsa in action is understood but how should one practice it in speech and mind?
01:02:30 Can you explain the importance of sacrificing animals for Yajnas? Why it isn’t a form of Himsa?
01:10:20 Is there any negative consequence if animals are not sacrificed?
01:13:26 What if a person commits adharma by mistake and what should he do when he realizes that?
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