Personality of conscientious individuals - Natrum Carb (English)

Personality of conscientious individuals - Natrum Carb (English)

Many of you had requested for this personality review, so I hope you would like this video, and this would add some value.

Nat. carb. is the typical salt of the Natrum group.

Their personality is a hybrid of Calc-carb., Nat-mur. and Lycopodium.

In other words the carbonicum possesses many of the same traits as the muraticum, but in a milder form.

The task of differentiating between natrum carb and natrum mur is a frequent difficulty in homeopathic prescribing, since there is such a lot of common ground in both the physicals and the mentals.

Natrum carb individuals are sweet, intellectual, loving, polite, down to earth and possess many more good qualities.

In this video we will also see what makes them upset and how they behave post losing their natural attitude towards life.

Further we will discuss some of the differentiating points between Natrum carb and Natrum mur at the mental plane.

natrum carbnatrum carbonicumdignified

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