Friday Night Funkin' Neo VS the characters in Week 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 for the PC in 2160p Ultra HD, but this time we battle characters using their neo side outfits with their own song being neo remixed. Neo Tankman, Neo Whitty, Neo Pico, Neo Lemon Monster, Neo Cesarfever, and many more are all after Neo boyfriend. Will Neo BF & Neo GF get caught at the end of the full game? Let's find out.
As of now the mod only has 15 songs in total but more will be added in the future. (I always remove the missed sound effect before playing the mods to have the music play out perfectly, also this neo update has a few spike lags) This mod seems related to corruption. If you love B sides remix, and D sides then you're going to love the Neo 3.0 remix!
Game Note: Welcome to Friday Night Funkin: Neo, where everything is overhauled, from character colors, icons, backgrounds, and songs! This mod includes all new stuff such as custom-written songs, brand new SFX, and themed visuals, to give the game a more futuristic, neon look!
- Completely New Backgrounds and redone background effects!
- All new designs for all characters!
- Remade Songs with an all new vibe!
- Dialogue complete with hidden lore and a whole new story!
- A spooky ass lemon and his crew are now after you!
- Sweet menus made from scratch!
- Remade UI assets!
- A whole new week! (Week 5)
- 5 whole new songs!!! (Tutorial, Illusion, Cocoa, Eggnog, Hallucination)
- A bunch of optimization fixes!
- A bunch of optimization fixes!
- Now made with Kade Engine!
All Songs from Friday Night Funkin' VS Neo 3.0 Full Week Mod Timestamp:
00:00 Neo 3.0 Animation Opening
01:29 Neo 3.0 Intro
01:46 Menu Remix
01:54 Week list
Week 1
02:06 Cutscenes Dialogue 1
02:38 Tutorial Neo 3.0 Remix (Girlfriend VS Boyfriend)
04:02 Cutscenes Dialogue 2
04:21 Cutscenes Dialogue 3
04:51 Bopeebo Neo Remix Song (Daddy Dearest VS Boyfriend)
06:25 Cutscenes Dialogue 4
06:44 Fresh Neo Remix Song (Daddy Dearest VS Boyfriend)
08:07 Cutscenes Dialogue 5
08:54 Dad Battle Neo Remix Song (Dad Dearest VS Boyfriend)
Week 2
10:25 Cutscenes Dialogue 6
12:05 Spookeez Neo Remix Song (Skid and Pump VS BF)
13:53 Cutscenes Dialogue 7
14:21 South Neo Remix Song (Skid and Pump VS BF)
16:19 Cutscenes Dialogue 8
17:39 Illusion Neo Remix Song (Corrupt Evil Lemon Monster VS BF)
Week 3
19:24 Cutscenes Dialogue 9
19:49 Pico Remix Neo Remix Song (Pico Vs Boyfriend)
21:44 Cutscenes Dialogue 10
22:07 Philly Neo Remix Song (Pico Vs BF)
23:53 Cutscenes Dialogue 11
24:44 Blammed Neo Remix Song (Pico Vs BF)
26:05 Cutscenes Dialogue 12
Week 4
28:01 Cutscenes Dialogue 13
28:58 Satin Panties Neo Remix Song (Mommy Mearest Vs Boyfriend)
30:47 Cutscenes Dialogue 14
31:22 High Neo Remix Song (Mommy Mearest Vs Boyfriend)
32:59 Cutscenes Dialogue 15
33:25 M.I.L.F. Neo Remix Song (Mom Vs Boyfriend)
35:10 Cutscenes Dialogue 16
Week 5
36:11 Cutscenes Dialogue 17
37:07 Cocoa Neo Remix Song (Dad & Mom VS BF)
38:56 Cutscenes Dialogue 18
39:32 Eggnog Neo Remix Song (Dad & Mom VS BF)
41:33 Cutscenes Dialogue 19
42:27 Hallucination Neo Remix Song (Corrupted Lemon VS BF)
44:17 True Ending
46:05 Full Game Over Screen
46:51 Outro
Mod Creators for Neo 3.0 Remixes Mod below
VS Friday Night Funkin' Neo 3.0 Remixes Week (+ Cutscenes Animation) Mod Download link:
JellyFishedm - Director / Music:
Mr.M0isty - Lead artist and designer
NoLime - Backgrounds / Art Assets / Animation Cleanup
Pincer - Art Cleanup / Art assets
TwoopYT - Cutscenes / Minor art assets
Smokey_5 - Coding
BrightFyre - Coding
GenoX - Coding / Minor art assets
Tamacoochi - Dialogue and Lore
Get the game and support the creators of the game:
Friday Night Funkin': The Full Ass Game:
Friday Night Funkin' - WEEK 7 All Tankman Death Quotes:
Friday Night Funkin' Pico's School Edition
FRIDAY NIGHT FUNKIN’ Full Game, but The Mom Sings it:
Shaggy 2.0 Vs. Shaggy Remastered:
Friday Night Funkin' - D-Sides Remixes VS Week:
Friday Night Funkin' - VS Whitty Remixed FULL WEEK:
Friday Night Funkin' VS Minus Tankman FULL WEEK 7
Friday Night Funkin' - Taki VS Sar (Sarvente's Mid-Fight Masses x Fever Town)
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Friday Night Funkin' gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k HD (2021)
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