2.3 Individualise instruction/// Concept, Principle , Advantages , Disadvantages

2.3 Individualise instruction/// Concept, Principle , Advantages ,  Disadvantages

In this video you will learn about Individual instruction its concept , principle , advantages and Disadvantages.

SUBSCRIBE to Gitanjali Nanda channel for more videos related to BEd 1st Semester Paper////Links of topics are given below

1 Aims and Objectives of ICT: https://youtu.be/b8UtJ4k9S00
1 Need of ICT : https://youtu.be/ranSUk7rpvA
1 Aspects of ICT: https://youtu.be/uygiru785iY
Scope of ICT: https://youtu.be/hQg4AQ3Lj60
1.2 Information Technology : https://youtu.be/P_IqZnXjbVo
1. 3 Communication///Concept & Characteristics///ICT: https://youtu.be/d9UtH-vO-7A
1.3 Communication/// Elements of Communication : https://youtu.be/w7O1UqfCOEI
1.3 Communication///ICT///Types of Communication : https://youtu.be/JMDspTT_P_E
1.3 Communication/// SMCR Model /// Cycle of communication///Process of communication///ICT : https://youtu.be/H_wEFvbE6EU
1.3 Barriers of Communication: https://youtu.be/8jrYyqRE2EA
1.4 Instructional Aids: https://youtu.be/WdvjZIEKTck

Unit-2 ICT
2.2.1 FLANDER SYSTEM OF INTERACTION ANALYSIS : https://youtu.be/yFA3lnbyZd0

Perspectives in child development

Growth Development and Maturation- https://youtu.be/ps3eQZw07IU
Nature of Growth and Development - https://youtu.be/f1p1ofNZWA0
Principles of Development -https://youtu.be/QCsDgqNFrgw
Stages of Growth and development part 1t:https://youtu.be/q3omoBp_ALg
Stages of growth and development part 2: https://youtu.be/AUSf8m2y5Kw
Infancy-Stage of Development: https://youtu.be/6ntVs14awiM
Dimensions of Growth and development- https://youtu.be/G84L0yK5Nn0
Longitudinal and Cross-sectional Approach- https://youtu.be/UxMvtvqfUds

Piaget's Cognitive Development- https://youtu.be/2guSlH5v9b0
Psycho-Social Theory of Development (ERIKSON)- https://youtu.be/2nrGyAhJtxg
Theory of Moral Development(KOHLBERG)- https://youtu.be/dujxLDkB7vY
Theory of Psycho- Sexual Development (FREUD):https://youtu.be/SUaiH0bzXoA
Theory of Emotional Development(Goleman): https://youtu.be/ZKyhtjFC2cY

Characteristics of Childhood- https://youtu.be/nP3ayrHyW2w
Physical and Motor Development- https://youtu.be/CoQxgkkXw8Q
Cognitive Development - https://youtu.be/wHLAvjy4bDE
Social Development - https://youtu.be/UUmc6Tge0UE

4.1 & 4.2 - Characteristics, Problems and Remedies of Adolescence- https://youtu.be/keoV2RjNL2k
4.3- Adolescence Group-Gang- https://youtu.be/pwRZ5-HwTgA
4.4- Adjustment- https://youtu.be/NY5emcbaTf4
4.4.2- Maladjustment - https://youtu.be/X1ACtGFYWA8
4.4.3- Defence Mechanism-https://youtu.be/UGv1kuz8RcA
4.5- Leadership and Types: https://youtu.be/4IAYJtooe9k
4- Adolescence as a period of stress and strain- https://youtu.be/ET2l2uKtz6w

5.1 - Concept and Types of Individual Differences - https://youtu.be/WbjPMM2RUbw
5.1- Areas and causes of Individual Differences- https://youtu.be/hp7Qfh_QiD8
5.1-Intelligence Theories - https://youtu.be/wdUukk9xZV0
5.1- Intelligence Coefficient - https://youtu.be/RYgDSxLb920
5.1- Intelligence Test- https://youtu.be/wgW1bs-OnBA
5.1- Interest - https://youtu.be/SPeGVAhtI_Y
5.1- Aptitude - https://youtu.be/MjKUL9V5MW0
5.1- Creativity- https://youtu.be/DK1Pd1Yy6H0
5.1.4 - Integrated Personality : https://youtu.be/mLzwd_SnoY4
5.4- Mental Retardation: https://youtu.be/ixCd-8n8kbk
5.4 - Gifted Children : https://youtu.be/URHXqp_X3nI


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