Pokémon Yellow Randomized Chesslocke Versus Perilous Platypus -9- Some Rocky Tunnel Vision

Pokémon Yellow Randomized Chesslocke Versus Perilous Platypus -9- Some Rocky Tunnel Vision

Welcome everyone to the Pokémon Chesslocke, the third co-op between HeyRyanLetsPlay, and Perilous Platypus! In this Chesslocke many things will be randomized, including starter Pokémon, encounters, trainer battles, item pickups, and TMs! _________________________________________________________________
Participants: Subscribe to both as to not miss single episode! Also come join our discords.
Platypus: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ0dtTPmHyZDJioKh4CO9lg
HeyRyanLetsPlay: https://www.youtube.com/user/heyryanletsplay
Platy's Discord: https://discord.gg/8zUK2GBpwp
Ryan's Discord: https://discord.gg/x7rnxUAJXJ
Schedule: Episodes will be uploaded Monday, Wednesday and Friday with an upload time of around 12:00PM CST (1:00PM EST). All odd numbered episodes will be on Platy’s channel, with all even numbered episodes being on HeyRyanLetsPlay’s channel! Subscribe to both to stay in the loop! _________________________________________________________________
Pokémon Chesslocke Rules:

1: Normal Nuzlocke Rules apply (Only the 1st pokemon you see on a route can be your capture, duplicate clause allowed, Nickname every capture and if a pokemon dies you must release it or place it in a death box)

2: Only 16 total pokemon can be obtained (Starter and 15 other captures / gifts)
2A: If a Pokémon is a gift, the player may choose whether it counts towards their 16 pieces when they find out what the Pokémon is.
2B: Shiny Pokémon (that isn't the Lake of Rage Gyarados) grant the player an extra chess piece (that isn't a king)

3: Each Pokemon must fall into various roles of a chessboard (King, Queen, Bishop, Knight, Rook, or Pawn)

4: The total number of pieces a player may have are: 1 King, 1 Queen, 2 Rooks, 2 Knights, 2 Bishops, and 8 Pawns.

5: The starter is the King. It can use any move that i can learn. If it dies, the run is over.

6: The Queen must share a type with the King

7: Bishops may only have 2 attacking moves at a time -- If a bishop is forced to learn a 3rd attacking move, the player choses the 2 moves out of the 3 to be able to use. The 3rd attacking move must be replaced as soon as possible with a non attacking move.

8: Knights may not use moves which have a base power greater than 60 (Before STAB)

8A: Knights may not use moves with unlisted base power that do damage, unless it is a set amount of damage
8B: Knights may not use multi-hit moves if there is a chance the total power goes above 60 (Fury attack is an example)

9: Rooks may not use any damaging moves with secondary effects. They are allowed non damaging moves (Tackle and Tailwhip are fine as Tackle only does damage and tailwhip only lowers defense, but Ember is not fine as Ember does damage and has the possibility to burn)

10: Pawns may not evolve ever, and must be a pokemon with an evolution. A Pawn may move into another pieces slot if it overcomes a major battle by itself. Major battles include Rival, Elite Four, Gym Leader, and Evil Team Admins. A pawn may not become a Rook for example if the 2 Rook slots are still alive.

11: Each player has a piece swap mechanic to use once per Versus. If the player so chooses, they can move a pokemon declared as one piece and have it be a second piece. For example: If the player declares something as a knight and then in a future episode finds out the Pokémon would be better as a bishop, they may use the piece swap to make the capture a bishop instead of a knight.


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