#pisces #tarot #tarotreading #piscestarot #piscestoday
Daily videos for the Pisces Collective!
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I Do Not Do Personal Readings At This Time ~
Please Be Careful of Scammers Who Pretend To Be Readers Offering Readings For Money. Always Check With Known Sources To Make Sure It Is Legitimate.
I am not a licensed physician or therapist. Anything expressed in these videos are my personal opinion and should be viewed for entertainment purposes only. Please use your personal judgement and good common sense when watching tarot/oracle readings on YouTube. These readings are general readings for everyone and in no way should be used in place of your own decision making abilities.
Here are some ways you can support my channel!
The Decks I Used In This Reading:
These are affiliate links that give me a small commission when you use them at no extra cost to you.
TarotCardsDarkForest : https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/TarotCardsDarkForest?ref=usf_2020
Oracle Of The 7 Energies (Affiliate Link): https://amzn.to/39418vZ
Soul Coaching Oracle (Affiliate Link): https://amzn.to/3nqb1cs
Monthly/Yearly Gratitude Journals Available In Various Countries:
A New Photo From My Personal Collections For Every Month Of The Year:
If you want to donate on a monthly basis there are $3, $5, $7/month memberships available that you can cancel at any time. ( Please understand this does not include personal sessions with me ~ for more information please visit the site below).
Thank you for your support.
My Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/piscesintuitiveenergiestarot
For one time donations, here is the link:
Thank you so much!
My other channel: High Vibration #Mediation #Relaxation #Sleep
These are affiliate links and we get a small commission if you use the links at no cost to you.
This is a way you can purchase these decks while supporting our channel at not extra cost to you.