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A lawyer representing one of the Capitol Rioters has argued that he should be allowed to be released before his trial because he poses little threat to the public. The rationale behind this argument is that Donald Trump was the one who whipped the defendant into an enraged state that led him to storm the Capitol, and since the circumstances won't be repeated, there's no danger of the client being released. But this argument ignores the fact that Trump is still repeating the lies that led to the insurrection in the first place, as Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains.
Link - https://www.rawstory.com/capitol-attacker-blames-trump-court/
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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.
An attorney for one of the MAGA rioters that has been held in jail since early February, uh, denied bail because the judge believes that this person could be a danger to others. If released, uh, the attorney, well, public defender, um, who is representing this individual last Friday, actually argued in court that this person is actually not a threat to society because what had happened was they had become agitated due to the words of Donald Trump. And that's why they did what they did during the capital riots specifically to put it in English. The public defender is saying this person's not crazy. Donald Trump made them crazy on that day. Let me read just a little bit. Um, Mr. [inaudible] Simmons, the defendant had no prior intent to enter the Capitol building or engage in violence, but the energy of the crowd that day is well documented. And the mood shifted from one of purported patriotism to agitation.
So I wanna, I want to focus on that purported patriotism. Sure. These people thought they were showing up there to defend the United States constitution because they're the true Patriots, right? And then of course, as the day went on and speakers came out, including Donald Trump, they got a little agitated, a little, little hot underneath the collar, I guess you will. And that's why this individual whose only offense prior to this was a drunk driving charge. So, you know, not a ton of criminal history, they're just a very bad decision. There was no, uh, you know, injuries from the drunk driving charge. So that's a plus. And so the public defenders are saying, listen, this person doesn't really have a history of being a violent individual. They don't have a history of being a violent individual, but when you look at what happened that day, it became a, uh, basically a mob mentality. Everybody fed off the energy of others and of course the energy coming off the stage, and that's why this person did what they did charging into the
Capitol. Um, but here's what
The prosecutors have to say. He was reported to be very aggressive, shouting and yelling. Fitz Simmons said that he was going to quote, give it to her heart. And that quote we're coming from for her person, he was talking about was a representative, uh, Shelly Pingree, a Democrat from Maine. So sure. Maybe he got a little riled up, you know, by the mood of the crowd, by the energy. Uh, but he was also, I mean, you know, we're coming for you, you specific person I'm coming to get you so sure. Trump may have revved up the crowd a little bit, but this individual was already revved up. But enough, it is clear based on what the judge sees, because by the way, they showed a video, they have a video of this individual. They saw him charging at the Capitol and it's based on that, that the prosecutors, and of course the judge have said, we're not letting this person out.
So while I do have the utmost of respect for public defenders, they are overworked underpaid. It is a thankless position for a lot of these individuals. And this public defender is absolutely doing their best here.