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Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org
What is Dwelling Prayer?
Sister Clare explains Dwelling Prayer
Excerpts of various Teachings
(Clare) I’ve had a few people ask us about our method of prayer, and how we’ve gotten so close to the Lord.
That’s why I share with you how we draw near to God in Dwelling Prayer. We call our form of prayer ‘Dwelling Prayer’, because we’re dwelling with the Lord according to His promise that if we love Him, we will obey Him and He will dwell with us. John 14:21… He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.
He is the entrance, the gateway to Heaven. And so, what we do, we come into His presence with thanksgiving and praise, as is written in the Scriptures. We worship Him. And, as we’re worshipping, we enter into our hearts spiritually, where he is present – and we worship Him there in our hearts. We use our imagination to some degree, just to get started to see the Lord, and He takes over pretty quickly.
Well, we start out with the Binding-Prayer. The Binding Prayer begins with repentance for our sins and shortcomings. What’s nice about that is that when we’re looking at these different things that are possible sins that we could have committed during the day, it kind of gives us an outline…
Preparation for the Binding Prayer…
Dear Lord Jesus, I come before You as a child still learning; please teach me to see and hear You clearly. Please search my heart, and help me to repent and direct these prayers so they are effective. Please reveal to me the doors I have opened. Jesus, please remove them with their demons to the abyss and help me to sin no more.
Open doors could be…
Did I pass judgment or criticize in my heart or mind, falsely accuse, gossip or cast a slur? Did I steal, cheat or lie, spend money meant for other things, take something that belonged to another? Did I covet, over-eat or lust for something, or listen to something sinful? Did I disrespect my spouse or parents? Was I arrogant and proud, did I disobey You?
Forgive me, Lord, and deliver me from evil. Father, I forgive and bless from my heart those people who have chosen to be our enemies, and pray that Your love would heal and convert them. ‘Forgive them for they know not what they do.’ Guide me so I am not the cause for another man’s sin, but a blessing, leading them to You.
So, it’s a good idea to do an internal check about where we are at and what we’ve done today, our attitude about the day. Our attitude about the Lord and our attitude towards others. So, I’d take the time to do that, looking at each item and making sure that I’ve apologized and asked forgiveness having done what I did. And asking for strength not to do it again.
So after we are done with the Binding Prayer, we like to enter into the Lord’s presence with praise and thanksgiving, worshiping Him in spirit and in truth. We can do this with or without music. We prefer to be drawn to Him through the lyrics of a worship song, sung directly to Him, or by His Grace He may touch us and draw us in without any other manifestation. You may feel more led to pray and worship without music, just going to Him directly in your heart. I mean, all of these things work. We just want to be close to Him and there’s many different ways to be close to Him.
There’s no set formula. But we have found a formula that most often works for us. And we begin by playing worship music and entering into the song. Worshiping the Lord through the lyrics of the song and, many times we’ll begin to see Him very clearly while we’re worshiping. And then we just connect with Him and continue to worship Him.
There comes a time during worship where He would like to impart something special to us – so there’s kind of a holy silence that comes over us. A very sweet and special peace that the Lord inundates us in.