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Brownells - https://bit.ly/GT_Brownells
ACRE GOLD - https://lddy.no/ggyv
SDI - https://www.sdi.edu/
Xidax (My Computer Sponsor) - https://mbsy.co/xidax/99898713
Skallywag Tactical (Badass Knives) - https://www.skallywagtactical.com/collections/blades
Onward Research (Holsters Out Now!) - https://www.onwardresearch.com/shop
LAS CONCEALMENT (Onward Research Holster Out Now!) - https://lasconcealment.com
KAK Industries - https://www.kakindustry.com/
Nutrient Survival (Best commercial survival food out there) - https://nutrientsurvival.com
Cool Fire Trainer - https://coolfiretrainer.com/
Mira Safety (Best commercial gas mask) - https://www.mirasafety.com/
USCCA - https://usccapartners.com/GarandThumb...
80% Arms - https://www.80percentarms.com/
Patreon Signup - https://www.patreon.com/GarandTHumb
Beyond Clothing - https://beyondclothing.com/garandthumb
Crye - Combat Shirt G3 - https://amzn.to/2BdELnu
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Surefire Scout - https://amzn.to/2S4eDmv
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Sick combat belts with input from me! - https://ciguera.com?aff=garandthumb
LAX Ammo Discount Code: GarandThumb - https://www.laxammo.com/
Vertx 25% off DISCOUNT Code: GarandThumb - http://vertx.com/
Camera Equipment--
Xidax (My Computer Sponsor) - https://mbsy.co/xidax/99898713
Panasonic Gh3 - http://amzn.to/2tDZZ9h
50mm lens - http://amzn.to/2tXEUcw
Zoom h1 Mic - http://amzn.to/2tDWek9
lapel mic - http://amzn.to/2sUSgqe
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