Here's what FDA approval of Pfizer's mRNA vaccine means, why its name is so stupid, the concept of psychological reactance with vaccine mandates, VAERS data, and more, previously LIVE.
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Key Topics:
0:00 Intro
1:51 The deal with Robert Malone
3:51 You should be skeptical of Big Pharma
5:44 The deal with complications listed in VAERS
9:35 FDA approval leading to mandates, pros and cons
11:54 The moral matrix that opposes mandates, on the Left and the Right
16:24 Shaming backfires, and the concept of psychological reactance during pandemics
19:55 Natural changes in human behavior without mandates
21:02 Compassion in the face of vaccine fear (and needle fear)
23:01 We are tribal animals and the importance of belonging
27:03 Kids under 12 and the vaccine, Off-label use
29:20 Direct to consumer Pharma advertising
30:09 Trump’s vaccine endorsement and the press response
34:39 The social contagion of pandemic anxiety and kids’ risk
37:49 Shaming and our divisions, social media
39:28 Live Comments
40:42 Can unvaccinated people be a danger to the vaccinated
43:41 Israel and Iceland’s vaccination breakthrough experience
44:31 The mind reading fallacy
46:28 Vaccine advice for a 12 year old asthmatic
50:27 Breakthrough infection
53:30 J&J shot
54:37 Does vaccine suppress the immune system
56:15 Parting philosophy and mindfulness