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There are times when God places someone in our life but we are too self-absorbed to see. It is God’s desire that we be fruitful and this spans across all areas of life including relationships. In today’s video we will talk about “7 clear signs you will see when God wants you with someone.” Please like this video, share it with others and subscribe to our YouTube channel by clicking the subscribe button.
• God’s will for us is to be relational. He doesn’t want us to be alone. Most people when their relationship goes wrong say things like “maybe God wants me to be alone”. There are somethings we shouldn’t even bother asking God or saying to God because He has already made His will known. For example, good health. We see Jesus during His ministry heal lots of people. Even in the old testament, we see God healing so it is not the desire of God for anyone to be sick. This is true for relationships. Even Jesus had to come through a family. He didn’t jump down from heaven. This shows how much the kingdom of God respects relationship and family. Before Jesus started His ministry, He did a miracle. His first miracle, which was turning water to wine and He did this at a wedding. Jesus is known to stand for what is right. He wasn’t confused or a push over. Jesus openly supporting someone’s wedding by providing wine is proof that He is in support of relationships and marriages. It is important for you to know this so you don’t let the enemy put negative thoughts like “I am going to end up alone or I am going to die alone” in your mind. Reject those thoughts when they come because now you know, it isn’t in God’s will.
• As usual with God, you have a choice. If you do decide to get married and you want to carry God along, He is always there to show you the way. There are some signs God will show you when He wants you to be with someone. Of course these signs shouldn’t be taken as God’s authority concerning your relationship; but it can be a pointer to whom God wants you to be with as you seek His will for you. Here are seven clear signs you will see when God wants you with someone.
1) The relationship glorifies God. God will not put anyone in your life that will work against your relationship with Him. We are first called to have a relationship with God before any other person. Genesis 2 vs 15 says “The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” This suggests Adam had a relationship with God before God saw a need for him to have someone by his side. In Genesis 2 vs 18 God says “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” This is how it should be always. First a relationship with God, then God brings someone your way.
2) He/she speaks and practices the Word of God. It is really important for this person to speak and practice God’s word. God will not place someone who doesn’t behave like Him in your life. This isn’t to say the person will be perfect because we are all still learning but to some degree He or she should be reflecting the image of Christ. John 3 vs 34 says “For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit.” God will not send someone who doesn’t speak the Words of God. This also means you should know the Word of God. If you don’t know God’s Word, there is no way you can identify your partner. It is important you spend time with the Word of God so you get to know what God says. By this, you can discern who speaks the Word of God. Philippians 4 vs 9 speaks of practicing the Word of God you have received. It says, “The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.” It is very important to watch out for the characteristics of God in the life of the person you think God is sending to you. Again, the person might not be perfect but the person will always work to become like Christ.
3) He/she makes you love yourself. This is really important. Amidst the teasing and jokes, amidst every other talk you both have, this person will never put you down. Everyone has insecurities in different areas of life and even areas of their body; this person will never make you feel less of yourself. They will only build you up. They will make you see why you should love yourself. If you’re enjoying this video, please don’t forget to give it a like, share it with others who might need it, and subscribe to this channel.