15 Reasons Why Finland Is The Happiest Country

15 Reasons Why Finland Is The Happiest Country

15 Reasons Why Finland Is The Happiest Country
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In this Alux.com video we will be answering the following questions:
Why Finland Is The Happiest Country?
What are 15 Reasons Why Finland Is The Happiest Country?
Why are people from Finland so happy?
What are the reasons for the happiness in Finland?
Why are the Finnish so happy?
Why is Finland the happiest country in 2021?
What is the happiest country in the world?
Is Finland a rich country?
Is Finland the best country to live in?
Which country is most happiest?

00:00 - Intro
00:31 - Firstly, what kind of happy are we talking?
01:34 - Finland minds the gap
02:27 - Home of the free
03:06 - Housing first
03:34 - They trust the police
04:09 - Economy is positive
04:40 - They promote the flat working model
05:13 - Remote or flexi working is old news in Finland
05:42 - Gender Equality means happiness all round
06:16 - Forget the Joneses
06:46 - Finnish have Realistic Expectations
07:32 - Free education with no testing
08:11 - Itku pitkästä ilosta or “Happiness will always end in tears”
08:47 - Free universal healthcare
09:16 - Finland has Sisu
09:50 - Question

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